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Swiss Harmonie Travels to Switzerland - September 2007
to give 8 concerts over 12 days, starting in Berneck, the north Eastern part of Switzerland and ending in Gland, the
South Western part. The hospitality by the Swiss Choirs in these towns was incredible, and our concerts were very
well received. On the touristical side, we enjoyed the Appenzellerland, the Rhine Fall, the picturesque Interlaken/
Grindelwald region, the quaint town of Gruyère with its delicious fondue and the beautiful small towns on the Lake
of Geneva. It was an unforgettable experience.
Swiss Harmonie in Berneck
In Gland, Harmonie in its "American" outfit, sings together with the Gland Choir
Harmonie member Martin Iseli (right) helps making Gruyère cheese in Moléson