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Spring Concert at the Swiss Park - May 16, 2009
The concert, under the direction of Rodger Whitten, consisted mainly of spring songs in various languages and a piano/trumpet duo of “It Might As Well Be Spring”, with Rich Chasin, trumpet and Rodger Whitten at the piano. After a short break came the surprise: Celebrating Harmonie’s 80th birthday. A DVD presentation showed pictures from the verybeginning of the Harmonie up to the present day, accompanied by Harmonie songs in the background.
Helen and Heidi Jakob with the brightest smiles, selling raffle tickets. Who could resist?
From left to right: Our former choir director, Armand Ghedoian, Kurt Anderegg, Edy Edinger, Veronika Ghedoian and Wal Baur, Harmonie President.
The men and Dorit Szymanski (yes, she sings tenor) preparing to sing while MC Sabrina El-Tawansy introduces the next song.
Harmonie at their Spring Concert 2009
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